What To Do If Your Pet Has A Persistent Cough: Tips For Pet Care And When To Take Them To The Vet

A persistent cough is one of the most common symptoms that can affect pets, and it can be worrisome to see them struggling to breathe properly. If your pet has an unexplained cough, it is important to take action quickly and seek veterinary care before the symptoms worsen. Here are some tips for pet care, as well as when it is necessary to take your furry friend to the vet.

Observe Your Pet's Symptoms

If your pet has a cough, start by observing their coughing episodes. Make sure to observe and record the frequency, duration, and intensity of the coughs. If your pet's coughing is accompanied by other symptoms such as lethargy, fever, or lack of appetite, seek veterinary care immediately. If your pet's coughing is mild or occasional, watch them closely and consider some at-home remedies.

Home Remedies

There are a few things you can do at home to relieve your pet's coughing symptoms. One of the simplest things to do is to give your pet some honey. Honey serves as a beneficial natural remedy for cough, effectively soothing an irritated throat. However, keep in mind that honey should not be given to pets that are too young or pets with a compromised immune system.

Another remedy for a persistent cough is steam therapy. If your pet is coughing due to a respiratory infection, steam therapy can help open up their airways. To do this, fill up the bathroom with steam from a hot shower and let your pet inhale the steam for several minutes.

Visit the Vet

If your pet's cough persists for more than a few days or gets worse, it's time to take them to the vet. The vet will conduct a comprehensive physical examination, ask about your pet's symptoms, and perform diagnostic tests like X-rays or bloodwork to determine the underlying cause of the cough. Depending on the cause, treatment may range from antibiotics or steroids to surgery to remove growths or masses.

Preventative Measures

The best way to avoid a persistent cough is to keep your pet's immune system strong. Provide your pet with a well-rounded diet that includes all the necessary nutrients. Make sure they are up to date on all their vaccines and heartworm prevention. Regular exercise and grooming are also essential parts of pet care that can prevent respiratory issues.

When to Seek Emergency Care

If your pet's cough is accompanied by any of the symptoms listed below, please seek emergency care.

  • Struggling to breathe or gasping for breath
  • Blue or pale gums
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Seizures
  • Profuse bleeding

A persistent cough in pets can be alarming, but there are many steps you can take to relieve your furry friend's symptoms and prevent the issue from worsening. If your pet's cough persists, seek veterinary care promptly. Remember to keep your pet's immune system strong, follow preventative measures, and watch for any concerning symptoms. 

To learn more about pet care, contact a professional near you.
