Protecting Your Dog Against Lyme Disease

If you live in a wooded area, you have undoubtedly come into contact with ticks during your excursions out into areas with may trees. Protecting your dog is every bit as important as yourself when you decide to go out into the wilderness since lyme disease can affect canines just as it does people. Here are some steps you can take to ensure your four-legged friend does not suffer from this disease by taking precautions to minimize the chance of contracting it.

Keep Your Yard Well-Trimmed

If you take the time to keep your lawn trimmed throughout the warmer months of the year, ticks will be less likely to be lurking in areas where they can adhere themselves to your dog's fur. Consider using a pest control agent in areas where ticks are known to be prevalent as well. Keeping on top of your landscaping will keep your dog from getting a tick bite as a result.

Use Flea Treatment To Kill Ticks

Purchase a flea and tick deterrent from your veterinarian to place on your dog according to the packaging instructions. These treatments are usually used once a month and will continue to provide uninterrupted protection against parasites. It is important to keep up with the recommended schedule for application as ticks can become embedded in your dog's fur if too much time has passed between treatments.

Consider Getting An Immunization

If you do not wish to be bothered with the upkeep in giving your dog treatments on your own, consider getting a lyme disease immunization instead. Your dog's veterinarian will administer an initial lyme vaccine followed by a booster shot a few weeks later. These immunizations will reduce the chance of contracting the disease and can be given to your dog annually. The cost is much less than monthly flea treatments, making it feasible to use both methods in tandem for even more protection against the disease.

Check Your Dog After Excursions

To reduce the likelihood of your dog getting Lyme disease, checking their coat for ticks often is necessary. You may be able to remove a tick quickly after it lands on your dog, stopping it from biting your pooch as a result. Make sure to check your dog's coat after trips into highly wooded areas. Use a comb to move the strands of hair away from the skin as you inspect the parted fur for any ticks.
